Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Drought and Freeze and Ranching Spring 2011

We culled deeply this year, to take some stress off the ranch. The first priority for us as land stewards is to our browse/range. When that is healthy, we can support healthy animals.

Between the freeze this winter (coldest since 1950's) and the lack of rainfall, the land is stressed; we have lightened our animal "load"significantly.

Working in this region has reminded me of the balances Nature offers. Both the more masculine rains of summer and the lighter feminine rains of winter are vitally and equally important. Have you noticed that the male rains of summer tending to be fast, aggressive, and offer a lot of water quickly? That female rains of winter tend to be gentler, longer, and allow the water to really soak into the earth.

We missed the feminine rains of winter this year. Every plant, insect, animal (human or otherwise) in the Sonoran Desert dearly hopes for summer rains. It is not hard to see the dry land in the photos below.

Deciding which animals to keep and which to sell.

Moving the heard on dry terrain.

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