Saturday, November 6, 2010

Myths from the Myth Making Challenge

Here are the mythmakers and their myths in the order in which they are received:

*Sun Rises on Land. Clean wooden bowl--breakfast womb. She pours almond milk. 2- Stone floor warming touch A stretch, more stirring, now food. Sun rises higher. 3- Honor Feminine. On the Venus-named Fridays By drinking a mocha. 4- New Creation Myth: Chiltepin of the Morning In Friday Mocha! 5- Where gardens exist Humans thrive and co-exist The sun=chiltepin.
By CreativiTea on Chiltepin Challenge: Creation Myth on 10/28/10

** One evening, long before there was Time, first woman sat with needle and thread, stringing white chile flowers into a necklace. She hummed to herself as, one by one, she pushed the needle through a flower, then carefully moved it onto the thread. The full moon above her, shaped like an ovary, cast it's powerful glow onto the tiny white flowers and made her work like play. Her joy being great, she sang the world right into existence. She was surprised at the ease of her creation.

Beauty had come from beauty.

In her surprise, she accidentally pricked herself with the needle, and red blood flowed onto the white flowers, transforming them into bright red chile pods; they now mirrored the shape of ovarian-moon's, only smaller.

As the sun arose, and First Birds began to sing, (as they still do today, throating their own creation-love songs) and took note of the bright red chilies, strung together like red beads, on the necklace. Curious, she swooped down, and took the bright red chilies into her beak as she flew away. Eating and flying, First Bird began spreading chiltepin all over the Land, where they feed the birds of creation even today.
H M L 11/10

***A time long ago, the sun shone bright. It shined on the washes, running with water, on the soil covering the sacred land on which we stand today. The sun was the light, the love, the food for the plants that grew so tall, drinking in the fiery nourishment through their verdant leaves. And the sun loved the plants, and felt a part of them. And on this very same land, from this very same earth, from the mix of the water and soil and air and sun, animals too began to roam. Some had four legs, some had two, some had wings, some had fins. They drank the water, bringing it in to themselves. They breathed the air, taking it in. They ate of the earth, and it became a part of them. But the sun, the sun that warmed the land in which they lived, the sun that shined so much love down upon them every day, that very same sun, felt so far away. The plants had learned how to eat the sun, but the animals had not. And the sun wanted to be closer, and the sun was very clever. It would come to the Earth through one of it’s beloved plants, and could then be eaten by the birds and the people and the animals so dear. And it shone bright upon one of it's plants, the chiltepin, which began to fruit hundreds of little suns for the animals to eat, and became the fire of life and the mother of all chiles. It was eaten with interest and delight, picked and cooked and preserved and replanted, until the sun was no longer apart from all the creatures in this land, but a part of them. And the chiltepin continues to hold the sun within it to this day, and no longer needs the sun’s bright light to shine upon it all the time, for it is already inside of it, just like you and me. T.G. 11/16/10

**** Algo no estaba bien y todo mundo lo sabia. La madre pensaba que hacia demasiado frío para ser feliz. El padre pensaba que todo estaba demasiado calmado y aburrido. El hermano pensaba que no había ni interés ni propósito en la vida del pueblo. La hermana fue la que mas se acerco a la verdad diciendo, “!La vida no tiene sabor, es siempre lo mismo, ni sal ni dulce, ni chispa!” Siempre había sido así pero solo hoy, el séptimo día de la semana les comenzó a molestar.

Fueron al río a pedirle ayuda al agua, pero no les contesto. Fueron a la montaña a pedirle ayuda a la tierra pero tampoco contesto. Alzaron los ojos al cielo, y le pidieron ayuda en silencio. Con una calida sonrisa el Tata Sol les contesto con un regalo rojo y concentrado … les regalo una planta de chiltepin la cual sembraron en la tierra rica y la regaron con el agua dulce. Así fue, que de noche a la mañana el mundo encontró calor, interés, propósito y un sabor nunca imaginado. ¡Gracias, Tata Sol!

Abrazos, Gloria

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